Revival Ensemble plays Ellington & Strayhorn

Ted Crosby reeds, leader
Michael Moore reeds
Don Byron reeds
Josh Zubot violin
JP Carter trumpet
Kae Murphy trumpet
Tom Richards trombone
Wayne Horvitz prepared piano and synthesizer
Cole Schmidt guitar
James Meger bass
Michael Davidson vibraphone
Dan Gaucher drums

Led by Toronto-based saxophonist Ted Crosby, the 12-piece Revival Ensemble interprets and re-imagines the works of great composers, bringing them into the 21st century with a focus on free improvisation and contemporary composition.

Vermont-born Toronto-based woodwind player Ted Crosby has now mounted several region-specific versions of the Revival Ensemble to reimagine the 1968 classic, Far East Suite, one of the last (and very best) collaborations by Duke Ellington and his indispensable creative co-pilot, Billy Strayhorn, before the latter’s death.

This performance will feature a wider scope of Ellington's oeuvre, focusing on lesser known compositions by the Ellington/Strayhorn duo. With an international lineup of musicians, Crosby shows a suitably Ellingtonian touch with his personnel, ‘casting’ the ensemble like a theatre director with a range of dynamic ‘characters’ whose improvising will make this music undeniably contemporary.

Since the standing ovation inducing 2018 Something Else! Festival performance, new version of the ensemble will be tackling the music of Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn. The ensemble features some of Canada’s finest improvisers joined by some globally renowned players visiting Hamilton this year:


Rempis / Damon


Marcus Rojas