Dylan van der Schyff

Dylan van der Schyff is an improvising percussionist based in Melbourne, Australia. As a performer (percussion, electronics) and producer, Dylan has contributed to almost 200 recordings, spanning the fields of jazz, free improvisation, sound art, experimental, electronic, and ‘new music’.

He has toured extensively in North America and Europe, performing and recording with artists such as George Lewis, John Butcher, Paul Rutherford, Dave Douglas, Ken Vandermark, Achim Kaufmann, Misha Mengelberg, Robin Holcomb, Kris Davis, Torsten Muller, Wayne Horvitz, Michael Moore, Rob Mazurek, Marilyn Crispell, Joelle Leandre, Peggy Lee, Evan Parker, and John Zorn among many others.

Dylan has also published numerous articles on musical cognition and is co-author of Musical Bodies, Musical Minds: Enactive Cognitive Science and the Meaning of Human Musicality (MIT Press). He teaches at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne, where he heads the honours and graduate programs in improvisation. 


Thus Owls


Michael Vatcher